Thursday, January 12, 2017

SOBT to open at noon on Friday, January 13

As of Thursday evening, SOBT is planning to open at noon on Friday, January 13, and all afternoon and evening classes will take place.  SOBT also plans to be open for classes on Saturday and Sunday. 
For those students involved in Swan Lake, rehearsals will take place on Friday as planned.
As always continue to check the blog or the school's website for immediate updates in the case of changes to weather conditions.
This is a break in our general policy to follow Portland Public Schools, but after discussions this evening we believe it will be safe enough for travel by tomorrow.  We do ask that you please exercise discretion when making the decision to attend classes tomorrow and over the weekend; if it appears unsafe to travel from where you live please simply let us know by emailing the school at  Safety is our main concern and we would never want or expect anyone to travel if safety is an issue.
Early next week we will be discussing plans for make up classes later in the year.  Please check your email and the blog for specific information regarding this subject by the end of next week.
Thank you and we look forward to having our studios full of music and dancing tomorrow!