Below is information regarding make-up classes due to the recent snow days. Note: This is for the WEST LINN location only.
Please stay tune for an announcement regarding Portland classes.
Pre-Ballet classes:
If your child is enrolled in a Pre-Ballet 3/4 or Pre-Ballet
5/6, your child may attend one of the other Pre-Ballet classes at the same
level your child is enrolled in before the end of Winter term, March 25, 2015.
Please email
before the class you intend to make-up to reserve your space. Because many of
these classes are full or almost full, we can only accommodate a few make-up
students per class.
Pre-Ballet 3/4 meets Tuesdays from 4-4:45pm or Saturdays from 8:45-9:30am
Pre-Ballet 5/6 meets Tuesday 4:45-5:30pm, Wednesdays 5:30-6:15pm, Thursdays
4:30-5:15pm, or Saturdays 9:30-10:15am
Children’s Beg. Ballet (CBB):
Your child may attend one of the other Children’s Beg.
Ballet classes on the schedule as a make-up class before the end of the school
year. Please email
before the class you intend to make-up to make sure there is space and it’s a
good day to attend.
Children’s Beg. Ballet meets Tuesdays 5:30-6:30pm or Saturdays 10:15-11:15am
Level 1:
The make up class will be on President’s Day, Feb. 20th
at the normal class time.
Adult Classes:
The Tuesday Intermediate Ballet will make-up on March 21,
2017 at your regular class time.
The Wednesday Beginning Ballet will make-up on March 22,
2017 at your regular class time.
The Thursday Adult Jazz and Intermediate Ballet will make-up
on March 23, 2017 at your regular class time.
If you have any questions, please email