Saturday, November 23, 2013

ASP Forms and SOBT Class Schedule

REMEMBER to turn in your ASP form NO LATER THAN Wednesday, Nov. 27th!!!

SOBT Classes will be held Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday this coming week - 
November 25 - 27.

There will be NO classes Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving Holiday!

Friday, November 22, 2013

PE Credit for High School Dancers!!

Dear SOBT Students and Families,

Mike Weddle, a volunteer member of our School Board Committee, has worked tirelessly with many local school districts and schools to foster initiatives that will allow high school students to receive credit for PE, art or as an elective by attending classes at SOBT.  This exemption is not automatic and will only be given if a student requests it.  For most schools it will be a new process, so if anyone experiences any trouble, please let us know and Mr. Weddle will gladly contact the school on our behalf.  Listed under "PAGES" you will find specific information for each school or school district on how to navigate the process, as compiled by Mr. Weddle.  Newberg and North Clackamas school districts are currently not on the list, but Mr. Weddle expects he will be able to add them in the near future.  This is a wonderful benefit for our students and I am sure many of you will join me in sending out a well-deserved and warm thank you to Mr. Weddle!

Best wishes,
Anthony Jones

School Director

Friday, November 15, 2013

PLEASE READ - Changing Room Revisited

Dear SOBT Students and Parents,

This is a quick reminder that at all times only students in Level 3 through Apprentice are allowed downstairs and in the changing rooms in the OBT building.  All other students please come dressed with your street clothes over your dance clothes.  There are cubbies on the ground floor where personal items can be stored or students can simply store their street clothes in their dance bag.  In the rare case a student needs to completely change in or out of their street clothes, please quickly use one of the restrooms on the ground floor.  Monday to Friday from 3:00PM until closing and on Saturday from 8:15AM until closing there is always at least one SOBT staff member in the reception/stretching area of the OBT building.  These staff members are there during school hours primarily for the safety of all students.  The best way we can provide safety for our younger students is to have them remain on the ground floor of the OBT building where they are always in clear view of an SOBT staff or faculty member, whether in the reception area or in the ballet studio.  All of us at SOBT are committed to making it a safe, secure and nurturing environment for everyone.  

I thank everyone, students, parents, staff and faculty alike, for their cooperation. 

Best wishes,
Anthony Jones

School Director  

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Please drop payments in the slot by the receptionist's desk or hand in to Karin or Shari.  Credit card payments will be accepted during office and class hours Tuesday - Friday and 9:00am - 1:00pm on Saturday. 

Friday, November 8, 2013

Parents: Please Share with Your Child(ren).

ONLY students in Level 3 AND ABOVE are allowed downstairs. 

Pre-Ballet, First Steps, Level 1 and Level 2 students may not go downstairs.  
Cubbies are provided upstairs for the students' belongings.

SOBT Closed in honor of Veteran's Day

PLEASE NOTE:  The School of Oregon Ballet Theatre will be closed Monday, November 11, 2013 in honor of Veteran's Day.  

There will be no Adult or Student Classes.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Thank You for a Successful Open House and Welcome Mr. Jones!

Dear SOBT Parents and Students,

A big thank you to all who came to our Open House yesterday in honor of Anthony Jones, our new SOBT Director. It was a wonderful afternoon and would not have been so without the presence of all our SOBT students, families, S/OBT staff and OBT Trustees.   We had 300 attendees who came to show their support and meet Mr. Jones.

If you were unable to attend the Open House and would still like to meet Mr. Jones, he will be returning to SOBT on a permanent basis starting December 10, 2013.

We want to thank everyone for their continued support of SOBT and for welcoming Mr. Jones to SOBT. 

Warmest regards,

Nancy Locke and Dean Richardson
OBT Trustees

SOBT Co-Chairs School Board Committee

Boys Breaking Ballet Stereotypes

This is an interesting article about Canada's National Ballet School.  Enjoy!