Monday, November 4, 2013

Thank You for a Successful Open House and Welcome Mr. Jones!

Dear SOBT Parents and Students,

A big thank you to all who came to our Open House yesterday in honor of Anthony Jones, our new SOBT Director. It was a wonderful afternoon and would not have been so without the presence of all our SOBT students, families, S/OBT staff and OBT Trustees.   We had 300 attendees who came to show their support and meet Mr. Jones.

If you were unable to attend the Open House and would still like to meet Mr. Jones, he will be returning to SOBT on a permanent basis starting December 10, 2013.

We want to thank everyone for their continued support of SOBT and for welcoming Mr. Jones to SOBT. 

Warmest regards,

Nancy Locke and Dean Richardson
OBT Trustees

SOBT Co-Chairs School Board Committee