Tuesday, March 4, 2014

ASP Schedule Week of March 3

ASP Schedule Week of March 3

Tuesday 3.4

2:00-3:30              White Swan/Odette                       Studio 1                Roper

6:30-7:30              Swan Lake Pas de Trois                  Studio 1                Larsen

Wednesday 3.5               

11:45-1:15           Swan Lake Pas de Trois                  Studio 1                Larsen

2:00-3:30              Odette                                              Studio 1              Roper

3:00-5:00              Swan Lake Act 2 Complete           Studio 1                Kipp      

Friday 3.7

11:45-1:15           Swan Lake Pas de Trois                  Studio 1                Larsen

3:00-5:00              Swan Lake Act 2 Complete           Studio 1                Kipp

Saturday 3.8

1:30 – 2:15           Ballet 1                                                 Studio 2                Kembe

1:30-2:30              Ballet 2&3                                            Studio 1                Elise

2:15-3:15              Ballet 4&5                                            Studio 2                Gavin

2:30-3:15              Ballet 3P                                               Studio 1                Elise

3:15-4:45              Swan Lake Waltz                                 Studio 1                Jones

                                (all 3, 3P & 4)

3:15-4:15              Little Swans                                        Studio 2                Gavin

4:45-6:00              Swan Lake Act 2 Complete              Studio 1                Jones

****Swan Lake Act 2 Complete refers to the Swans – Odette, Big Swans, Little Swans and the Corps de Ballet only.  The Waltz (Levels 3, 3P and 4) and the Pas de Trois (PDs) are not part of Act 2 and students called to those rehearsals should only attend their specific rehearsals****
  Swan Lake Act II Basic Cast List (Subject to Change)
Odette                                 K. Monogue                       P. Wilkey

Prince Siegfried                 C. Constantini                                                  E. Schweitzer-Gaslin
Big Swans                            1. J. Schiller                         D. Marsh
                                              2. E. Lloyd                            C. Evans
Little Swans                        1. K. Nobriga                      Z. Metzler                                          
     2. M. Russell                       J. Winett
                                             3. A. Thompson                  B. LaMarsh
                                              4. M. Buddy                        J. Winett
Corps de Ballet                  1. K. Nobriga                     
                                              2. M. Russell
                                              3. Z. Metzler
                                              4. P. Wilkey                         K. Monogue
                                              5. D. Marsh                         J. Schiller
                                                6. C. Evans                           E. Lloyd
                                                7. J. Jenkins                        J. Gordon
                                                8. B. La Marsh
                                                9. A. Thompson
                                                10. J. Winett
                                                11. M. Crowder
                                                12. K. Frey
                                                13. M. Buddy                     O. Pugsley
                                                14. S. Stone                        V. Ratcliff
                                                15. L. Wills                           A. Beller
                                                16. H. Russell                     
***anyone in Level 5 is invited to come to Swan Lake rehearsals to learn the choreography