Dear SOBT Students and Parents,
The School of Oregon Ballet Theatre would like to remind you that this Thursday - Saturday (October 27 – 29), FREED of London is sending two of their pointe shoe fitters to our school. FREED’s fitters travel all over the nation fitting students and professional dancers for their pointe shoes. All students in Levels 3 – 6 are eligible to sign up for fittings. Time slots are on a first come basis and will last 20 minutes. You can find the sign - up sheet with Colleen at the front desk. Wednesday, October 26, 2016. This is an optional event, but it is highly recommended that students take advantage of this opportunity. It never hurts to be refitted to make sure you are in the correct pair of shoes. FREED is the official pointe shoe of Oregon Ballet Theatre and The School of Oregon Ballet Theatre.
For the current FREED pointe shoe fitting schedule click here.
**All fittings will be held in Studio 3. Please remember to bring the pointe shoes you are currently wearing as well as any accessories (i.e. toe pads, spacers, etc.). Wear convertible tights.
Thank you,
Colleen Hanlon