Friday, May 1, 2015

School of OBT Family Meeting - Saturday, May 9

Dear SOBT Parents,

You may have received an email from Kevin Irving and Dennis Buehler earlier this week. If not, I am including a link to the e-mail for you to read,

In following, Mr. Irving, Mr. Buehler and I would like to invite all school parents to meet with us next Saturday, May 9, 2015, at 2:15 PM, to discuss the future of the organization with a focus on the school. 

This will be the first of what I plan to be regular such meetings to help foster a more open dialogue between OBT leadership and parents. The meeting will last no more than an hour and will focus primarily on what families can expect over the next several months and on future growth plans for the school.

I hope you will be able to join us.

Kind regards,

Anthony Jones
School Director