Saturday, February 7, 2015

Important 2015 ASP Rehearsal Information

The ASP schedule will be posted to the SOBT blog and school bulletin boards on a weekly basis. The schedule is subject to change, so please check both sources frequently.

If students have 90 minutes or more between SOBT class and ASP rehearsal, they will need to be picked up after class. You may return 30 minutes prior to your scheduled ASP rehearsal time.  

As stated on the ASP information and guidelines form, the SOBT Spring Break occurs March 23, 2015 through March 28, 2015. There will be no scheduled ASP rehearsals during this time.  There will be rehearsal on Saturday, March 21, 2015. Please plan accordingly.

If you have any questions regarding the Annual School Performance please refer to the 2014-2015 ASP Guidelines located on the right-hand side of the blog or contact the school at
Thank you,

School of OBT Staff