Thursday, August 27, 2015

Out of town student seeking a host famly

Dear SOBT Families,
We are searching for a family to host a female student from out of town for the 2015/16 Annual Session.  The student is 16 years old (turning 17 this fall), bright, mature and very dedicated.  She will be in Level 6 at SOBT and will be doing her academic studies online.  Please contact us at the school if you would be interested in hosting this student; we’ll be happy to answer any questions and put you in touch with the student’s family.  

Thank you,
SOBT Administration  

Important Information: New Level 3 Female Students

For female students new to Level 3, please wait to purchase pointe shoes until your teacher has had the opportunity to provide instructions during the first week of classes.

If you have already purchased pointe shoes please do not sew, glue, or wear them. This will likely void the store's exchange/return policy.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Date Change - OBT's The Nutcracker Audition

Dear SOBT Annual Session Families,

This announcement is for families of students enrolled in Level 1A through Level 5.

The date of The Nutcracker audition has been changed from September 12 to Sunday, September 20.

The time of the audition has yet to be determined. Once this information is decided all enrolled students in Level 1A through Level 5 will be notified by Production's Children's Coordinator.

For future announcements and information regarding The Nutcracker please check the OBT Children's Coordinator Blog,

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Host Families for 2015-16 Annual Session Students

Dear SOBT Families,
We are looking for a few families that would be interested in hosting a 2015-16 Annual Session student studying with SOBT for the coming year. These students are are in Levels 3 through 6.

If you are interested in hosting a student please contact SOBT at

Friday, August 14, 2015

2015 Summer Intensive Week 6 Schedule

Please see the Pages section to the right for the 2015 Summer Intensive Week 6 schedule.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

SI Week 6 Parent Observation

The School of OBT's sixth week, Monday, August 17 through Saturday, August 22, of Summer Intensive classes are open to parent observation.

Observation is limited to two family members per student, up to 20 people total, including younger siblings, and only to dance classes. Pilates, yoga and stretching are not open to observation. For those classes held in Zoomtopia, listed as Z-2, anyone observing these classes will need to check in at the SOBT School Reception desk and sign the Zoomtopia waiver prior to entering the building.

As space is limited in the buildings we ask that you please arrive no earlier than five minutes prior to the start of the class. Parking in OBT's lots is permitted, however you must pay at the parking machine on the South wall of the building. OBT will not waive any parking citations received while parked in the lot.

Any photography or video is strictly prohibited.

You may have your child sign you up for observation or contact the school reception desk at

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

2015-16 Annual Session Scholarship Information

For the 2015-16 Annual Session (AS) a limited number of need-based scholarships are available. 

As with last year SOBT will use TADS to determine scholarship eligibility. Please use the worksheet link found on the SOBT Scholarship Interest Form, located to the right in the Pages section of the blog.

When completing the TADS application please select the 2015-16 school year. 

All students applying for a 2015-16 AS scholarship must complete and return the Scholarship Interest Form. Completing the TADS application is not necessary for the 2015-16 AS if your family submitted a TADS application for the 2015 SOBT Summer Camp or Summer Intensive.

TADS applications and Scholarship Interest Forms are due by Monday, August 24, 2015.

Friday, August 7, 2015

2015 Summer Intensive Week 5 Schedule

Please see the Pages section to the right for the 2015 Summer Intensive Week 5 schedule.